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make ormus

I might be experiencing a problem.

I've added 25grams of NaOH to 175ml distilled water to use to increase the PH.

I have 2 liters of distilled water wich has 500grams of dead sea salts disolved.

I started dripping NaOH into the seawater and immediately flocks of white precipitate formed and my PH increased exponentially, intill it reached PH 9.2 - 9.3 at that time i had used about 100ml of NaOH solution wich i already thought was a lot more than i expected.

Since i want to go to 10.7, i kept adding more untill my bottle was finished, with no increase in PH.
I did read about there being a buffer zone, but this is insane.

I created another bottle with 25grams of NaOH into 175ml water and fully used it *ALL*, i was still stuck at PH 9.3, with no increase in ph whatsoever using another 25 grams of NaOH!

I start to doubth my ph meter so i stopped and recalibrated the meter, does fine in calibration fluids so it should be alright.

I then created another bottle of NaOH solution, this time with *50* grams of NaOH into 175ml water and used another 25ml of this solution without any effect in PH.

Then suddenly the PH started to increase again and shot up quite rapidly on every drop.. the following 50ml of the new stronger NaOH solution finally made the PH increase to 10.7.

So this means theres about 75 grams total of NaOH needed to get the PH of 500grams of dead sea salt and 2 liters water to go to 10.7. (?wow?)

Isn't that far too much? i had expected to use about 1/3th or maybe half of one 175ml bottle having 25grams of NaOH. So i expected only about 8-13 grams to be needed. Good i bought a 500g pot of food grade NaOH.

The sea-water has gone *totaly* milky now, i don't mean cloudy, but it looks like buttermilk, like the pure ormus most people get only after the water has been removed, so this yield seems taggeringly high. Right now i even wonder how thick this must become when it has fallen down and the water on top is removed.

After letting everything rest for 30 minutes, the ph had stabilised at 10.5 and i'm leaving it at that just to be safe as there's certainly no shortage of yield at this point. I will put the jar away now wrapped in aluminium foil so the precipitate can fall down.

Since after a clearly strong buffer zone, the PH started reacting normally again to every drop of NaOH and since i did read about there being such buffer zone, this all could be considered quite normal. However i also have seen a video tutorial in wich a guy is using a 25grams/175ml NaOH solution and is saying he is only using a little of that bottle at a time. Meaning he can do about 3 harvests with one bottle. His jar isn't as big as mine and i seem to remember he was only using a few tablespoons of salt.. but still... i want to be absolutely sure...

So can anyone more experienced give me some figures on the amount of salt/water and NaOH they're actually using ? Just to doublecheck...

Besides planning on trying out the ormus myself internally, a family member of mine is having eczema type of skin problems, so i will give her a bottle and tell her to apply it externally and see how that goes 
 It should do wonders there.

Ofcourse if there are local avalonians that want to try some of it they can contact me after it's ready as i'm pretty positive i will soon have enough ormus for everyone on the forum LMAO!! 

I think next time i should make a smaller batch. 500grams of seawater yields incredible amounts of ormus so it seems. I just liked the big bottles David Kane used in this video and got them, and only after i got those i figured out how much sea salt was actually needed for those. David might have 100+ people using his ormus so in hindsight i should have started smaller.

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